Thursday, September 25, 2008

DING! DONG! The Wicked Bail Out Is Dead!



Polipundit sees daylight while the opposition to rhyme and reason see their tunnels collapsing.
The White House summit apparently blew up when McCain indicated support of an alternative option, a more free-market-oriented proposal being developed in the House. If there was ever a time to hammer the Congressional switchboard, it's now! [...]
Newsflubbers get hammered, crushed and defeated and the American tax payer comes out victorious.

Dan brings us this as an answer to the current "crisis"

While Barney Frank wallows in the quicksands of his denial, the American People by a vast majority know where this all started and who is to blame. We also demand that justice is served and heads roll over this. As Lindsey Graham announced that the congressional ignorance was dead for the time being, Paulson walks away dejected. However, the blame game will continue which is a good thing. It will give everyone enough time to solidify the fact that it has been the DNCers that have brought this upon the nation, pure and simple.

As the lap dogs of socialist imperialism whine and grind their teeth after being trounced, they try and spin and lie (go figure) about who said what and why. This is getting pretty interesting to say the least.

More at Memeorandum...

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