Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Don't Go Movement Needs To Crank It Up A Notch Or Two


It is now Wednesday and the House has theoretically passed a Non-Energy Energy Bill.

Nancy's leadership to nowhere via Don Surber:
[...] But that’s pretty much how Pelosi and her Democratic Caucus cobbled together their plan to drill for oil. After saying we cannot drill our way out.

No committee hearings.

No testimony from oil executives.

No discussion.

Just put any crap into a bill, label it drilling for oil and pretend after 2 years of doing nothing that the Worst Congress Ever - 14% approval - cares about America.

Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph! [...] (read the rest)
The bill the No Oil Zone cretins have presented is crap. Evidently, they want Americans to suffer through the winter and don't give a damn if people freeze to death up north or cannot fill their vehicle fuel tanks or travel on vacations or even eat. Wonderful. Such a caring jerk weed she is, yes?

Right Voices brings us a Call To Action via and Ace:
[...] Democratic leaders called it a step toward energy independence, but Republicans labeled it a “sham” because most of the estimated 18 billion barrels of oil believed to lie below off-limits coastal waters are within 50 miles of land and will remain out of bounds.

The measure passed in a largely party-line vote of 236-189. It now goes to the Senate, where energy will be the topic later in the week. Thirteen Democrats bucked their leadership and voted against the measure. [END]
Redstate brings us this:
I wanted to make sure you don’t miss the charade that’s being carried out on the floor of the U.S. House today. The Drill-Nothing Democrats finally brought their no-energy energy bill to the floor of the House today for a vote.

We need your help to defeat this bill. Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and tell the Democrats in your state delegation to vote “NO” on Speaker Pelosi’s energy bill. [...] Read the rest
We knew that this would happen and we MUST let McCain - Palin know not to cave into the Gang of 10 now the Gang of 20...The GOPers and Don't Go folks need to walk out...

Does it make any sense at all that the Pelosi Fraud says to let folks drill where there is no oil to be found? I don't think so either. This recent bill that will now go to the Senate needs to go down in flames...NOW...TODAY! is the token post from a jerk-wad at the KOSmonoffs. Idiot.

Boehner has several notes of interest here for your data mining projects: sham - sham - sham - sham -

Sister Toldjah - Fox News dweebs - BCL - QandO - The Foundry - The Foundry -

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