Monday, September 15, 2008

Ignorant, Hate-Filled Anti-Americanists and 91101


Up at Digital Journal there is an article entitled, Time For Europeans To Butt Out Of American Politics and has received many moonbat comments. But, that isn't what this post is all about. However, it is a segue into several pieces over at Radarsite.

I have waited until I have regained my composure in a specific regard but I have determined that this will not transpire. The utter disgust and border-line hatred that I am experiencing needs to abate itself so I have decided to go ahead and make this post. I felt better immediately upon making this decision.

I want you to take a look at the photo to the left. Right click on it and open it up into another tab or window and study it. Study it long and hard and then I want you to take a peek at the following pieces at Radarsite. Feel free to comment here but, better yet, leave the comments over there at RG's place.

Post 1: The Daily Kos: Beyond Outrage, Beneath Contempt
Post 2: The Source of the Scourge
Post 3: America The Beautiful: Our Common Hallowed Ground
Post 4: It would be impossible for anyone to come to the defense of that Daily Kos 9/11 cartoon, right? Wrong
Post 5: Daily Kos' Latest Defense Strategy for the 9/11 Cartoon Scandal: It Never Happened

The above "cartoon" was drawn and published by a complete ass. It has since been removed from the Daily KOSmonoff site but the damage has already been done. These people are not Patriots. At least not Patriots of this Nation that I and millions of others have fought, bled and died for. These cretins are lower than whale droppings. They are beneath contempt and if their guts were on fire, I would not piss up their arse to douse the flames.

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