Sunday, August 3, 2008

Larrey Anderson Hits One OUT Of The Ballpark!


When I read this article entitled "Why the Left is Unpatriotic and Why the Right Should Say So", I do believe that I woke up the entire neighborhood. I say that because certain individuals scurried out of their bedrooms to see just what in the hell was happening in Dad's domain.

I have been saying this for almost forever and it is indeed a fact that the PC Nazis condemn. Why? Because it is Truth and we cannot have any of that.
Most conservative political commentators tiptoe around the unpatriotic positions maintained by many liberals in America. We hear prominent conservatives say things like this, "I am not challenging Mr. Liberal's patriotism. I am challenging his point of view."

The fact is that much of the new left is unpatriotic. And that is okay. The Founding Fathers knew that not all Americans would be patriots; in fact, they counted on it. In this article I will show why the culture of the left is not patriotic. My basic contention is that patriotism is now the responsibility of the right -- abandoned by the left. I will use stories and photographs from this year's Oregon Country Fair to help make the point. [...] (read the rest)
I'll second and third that and sent it up for a vote. Can I get an AMEN?

I'll go one better by providing a link to my collection of Democrats and Terrorists where one can not only read those articles that I have written but others as well. A Patriot will not defecate on the American Flag. A Patriot will not drag the American Flag on the ground as they march to the tune of impeach Bush now garbage. A Patriot will not walk on either an American Flag or a facsimile thereof left on the ground as art to see if people would. And, btw, one of Czarbama's buddies - an unrepentant terrorist - did just that. A Patriot does not make light the Fall of Saigon. A Patriot will not disrespect The American Flag. A Patriot does not disrespect our Troops. A Patriot does not promote the murder of military officers which, btw, inspired this banner. A Patriot doesn't act like this either.

A Patriot respects our Troops as they perform their duties. Examples of True American Patriotism is all around us but widely chided and ignored.

Yes indeed. Those that claim "patriotism" in order to besmirch our Troops may be "patriotic" but there is no telling what they are patriotic towards and to what ends.

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