Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Leftinistra Deathly Afraid Of Recent Poll Showing Czarbie Up By 9%


In a recent poll, the Leftinistra are all excited that the Republicans are antsy, mainly this idiot. However, if the poll wasn't one of those stacked polls, they just might be correct. But, seeing that the poll is a stacked poll to the Leftinistra, this in merely one more shining example of how frightened the libtards truly are. Must really suck to be a libtard these days. I mean, really. A WaPo/ABC poll? ROFLMAO! That is almost as bad as one of those retarded KOSmonoff polls.

Spin that. Then, spin this:

Party affiliation:

Democrat: 38%

Republican 28%

Independent: 29%

If they push independents to say which party they lean more toward, we get this:

Democrats: 54

Republicans: 38

This poll is weighted from +10 to +16 in favor of the Democrats. That, folks, is what's called stacking the deck.


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