Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Looks Like Nancy Pelosi Is In Deep Lack of Communion


Recall if you will when Her Royal House Speaker stated that even the Pope had no earthly idea when human life began thus reinforcing  Obama's pay grade reach in regards to abortion.  Almost immediately, several Cardinals and Bishops stepped up and said what Nancy Pelosi stated was absolutely wrong.  Now, she is may pay even a steeper price and "heavenly rebuke".

From The Hill:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has accepted an invitation from San Francisco’s archbishop to discuss whether she should continue to receive communion at the Catholic Church in the wake of comments she made about abortion.

San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer requested the meeting after receiving letters and e-mails from “many Catholics” expressing dismay over Pelosi’s remarks that the question of when life begins remained controversial within the church. He said many of those writing questioned whether Pelosi should be able to receive communion. [...]

As in the minds of most Democrat Party Leaders, their history span begins the day they were born and anything before that time just doesn't compute.  When Nancy Pelosi was asked about Barack's above his pay grade statement at the Saddleback forum, she rallied to his aid and pretty much confirmed that Barack was incapable of making difficult decisions under pressure but, we really didn't need her to confirm that which the American People already knew.

I am sure that Nancy will receive some admonitions from the Archbishop right before she recites a prescribed and pre-determined quantity of recitations of Hail Mary.  If she is a good girl and confesses her sins, she just may get some absolutions and be instructed to go out and sin no more.  Don't hold your breathe.  There is no Higher Power outside of the DNC so she will merely go through the motions, get her forgiveness and then promptly revert back to her insidious ways.
[...] “Accordingly, as her pastor, I am writing to invite her into a conversation with me about these matters. It is my obligation to teach forthrightly and to shepherd caringly, and that is my intent.

“Let us pray together that the Holy Spirit will guide us all toward a more profound understanding and appreciation for human life, and toward a resolution of these differences in truth and charity and peace,” Niederauer wrote. [...]
What we are witnessing before our very eyes the crumbling of the do as I say and not as I do empire of the DNC.  30+ years of Identity Politics and DNC Double Standards has been their undoing.  The American People have become grossly tiresome of the DNC and its leadership withy their usurpation of the various governmental authorities and used them to their own greedy motives.  And now, they have tried to dictate to the Catholic Church and this too has finally backfired.

It could not have happened to a worse gaggle of goblins.

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