Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Newt One Action Alert: We Have Troops In Korea Also


I am getting ready to send a package to a friends unit stationed in the Republic of Korea. Many soldiers stationed in Korea do not receive any letters of support. If you would like to send a holiday card or two or just a thank you message, please mail it me by Dec. 6th and I will get to them. She has about 90 soldiers in her unit. The address is below! Also I could use more Holiday messages of Joy for the Troops. I have collected over 140 from my kids schools but need many more for the Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan!

'Operation Joy to the Troops'

Operation America Rising will be collecting Holiday Cards for our Troops stationed overseas. We welcome you to be a part of this noble cause. Get your local schools, churches, businesses, and civic organizations involved. All you have to do is collect holiday messages of Joy for the Troops and mail them to:

Operation Joy to the Troops
P.O. Box 2345
Franklin, NC 28744.

This will be a nationwide tour starting November 26th and ending on December 16th. The goal is to collect 100,000 holiday cards. OAR will deliver the messages of Joy on Wednesday December 12, 2007. It is time to send holiday joy and praise to the men and women that defend our freedom.

If you would like more detailed information email me at robert@operationamericarisingnc.com.

Thanks and God Bless our Troops!

Robert Nelson,
Operation America Rising

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