Tuesday, September 9, 2008

On Those Iraqi Benchmarks


In a speech today made by The One soon to be The Lonely One, he vainly and uselessly tried to counter President Bush's speech announcing Troop draw down in Iraq.

So, here is what I have to say about that by reposting several previous posts showing that Czarbie is a total fool and is clearly unfit to be a Senator, let alone the President of the United States.

Post 1 from ANO: (from 4/2008)

For the record, the Iraqi Government has performed magnificently when compared to our very own CONgress. I researched a little and found that our CONgress passed the minimum wage waste of time that will do more damage in the long run and they changed the name of some Post Offices. They also emboldened the enemy and they enabled our own anarchists ands other anti-Americanist groups within our own borders. That isn't anything to be proud of, is it?

John Boehner has a great post up today:
While Democrats Ignore Progress, Iraqis Continue to Meet Benchmarks - Latest Dem Defeatist Rhetoric on Iraq Disproved As "Oudated and Invalid" by New Analysis of Iraqi Political Gains
I find that amazing that the Iraqis have accomplished more since the Troop Surge has paved the way than our CONgress has done in 2 years. Don't you think that is an amazing thing? Under the threats of death via whatever means is available to the terrorists in Iraq, they still made progress on the political front.
As General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker prepare to testify before Congress next week, yet another Democratic talking point is becoming more untenable by the day. As security on the ground in Iraq continues to improve, Democrats have predictably fallen back on their next line of defense: that the surge has failed because the Iraqis have not taken advantage of the "breathing room" created by the success of American and Iraqi troops in order to move forward with necessary political reconciliation. But that talking point has been discredited as both "outdated and invalid," according to a new analysis by Fred Kagan, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute:
"As the tally ... shows, the Government of Iraq has now met 12 out of the original 18 benchmarks set for it, including four out of the six key legislative benchmarks. It has made substantial progress on five more, and only one remains truly stalled. One can argue about the scoring of this or that benchmark, but the overall picture is very clear: before the surge began, the Iraqi Government had accomplished none of the benchmarks and was on the way to accomplishing very few. As the surge winds down, it has accomplished around two-thirds of them and is moving ahead on almost all of the remainder. To say in the face of these facts that Iraq has made 'little' or 'no' political progress is simply false-to-fact."
Go read the rest because it is a data bank of information the Leftinistra will not acknowledge.

Our dishonorable democrat leadership should hang their heads in shame for playing political football with our Troops and what they have accomplished for the Iraqi People.

Our friends at Flopping Aces writes: Iraq's Unheralded Political Progress
STACLU writes: Don't Tell Harry Reid, New Report Shows Progress in Iraq
Pirate's Cove: Spittle On The Monitor: Iraq Security Improves

Post 2 from 12/2007:

Wait a minute. I could have sworn the war was lost because the political solution didn't come first. Now that the Surge has worked and troops have started to come home, a sure-sign of success, the political solution is now being stressed...again.

I wish these folks would make up my mind. No matter. We always knew the Surge had to work before the political solution could even be attempted.

Post 3 from 7/12/07 (GWB speech on Benchmarks - 8 had been accomplished POST Surge)

The strategy that General Petraeus and the troops he commands are now carrying out is the best opportunity to bring us to this point. So I ask Congress to provide them with the time and resources they need. The men and women of the United States military have made enormous sacrifices in Iraq. They have achieved great things, and the best way to begin bringing them home is to make sure our new strategy succeeds.

Benchmark Assessment Report
Benchmark Report
Iraq Strategy Review

Czarbie is a liar, just so you'll know.

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