Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rangel and Congressional Lack of Ethics


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Pelosi once said that she was going to create the most ethical Congress in the history of the United States. I find that peculiar to say the least. I have a distinct impression that she either doesn't know what that might entail or she has redefined the term.

Unlike the DNC - excluding Stevens and the Foot Tapping Cretin of the GOP - whenever a GOP Party member is either involved in something or may have been involved in anything that could be seen as unethical, they are removed from service. The DNC types however, just keep the business as usual thing going. Unless of course, they are sent to prison. In recent days, such is the case with Charles Rangel.

On 11 JUL 08 in the New York Slimes, an article appeared entitled, For Rangel, Four Rent-Stabilized Apartments, and this was the beginning of the current issue. What will the most ethical Speaker of the House do about it? Nothing. So much for ethics. But, what did Rangel do?

Apparently, he has used his position and prestige to circumvent NYC housing laws. The details are in the NYT article and many bloggers. I have a small collection of articles and blog posts stored here for your benefit and use. The short list includes JWF, NY Post, Mr Pink Eyes, The Hill, Suitably Flip, Michelle Malkin, Pat Dollard to name a few.

The New York Times has stated that Rangel should release his ill-gotten gains and Rangel has even said that he si going to evict himself. In so doing, he has admitted to wrong-doing and has given credence to the charges of the appearance of unethical behavior, allegedly unbecoming to a Congress Critter. However, not so fast.

On 16 SEPT 08 in The Hill, it was announced that there is no word yet on Rangel's resignation from the Chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee. The article appeared at 0733 EST and Pelosi had not made up her mind yet. So, 2 months and 5 days later, Pelosi has been unable to determine if this smells like fish wrapped in a newspaper yet? If this had been a GOP type, the DNC Hangmen would have been lining up at the door. If this were a GOP type, the GOP Speaker of the House would have already made the decision to oust the crook.

On 16 SEPT 08 in The New York Post, published at 0907 EST, it was announced that Rangel rejects the call to remove himself from his posh position. At nearly the same time, the NYT reported that Rangel was not giving up his seat, ethics be damned. And, on top of that, Ms Ethics is supporting his decision. Simply amazing.
[...] Mr. Rangel’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, told reporters during a conference call on Tuesday that the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, supported his decision to remain in the chairmanship. The announcement came after Mr. Rangel, the 78-year-old Harlem Democrat, met behind closed doors on Monday with the speaker and other party leaders. [...]
Good Lord! Also on the 16th, QandO published, And the answer is ....? And, what was the answer?
Republicans are seeking to highlight the controversy over his finances in the coming election, after Democrats have pounded them on issues of ethics and corruption.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected those calls.

"I see no reason why Mr. Rangel should step down," she said Tuesday.
Imagine that! The above provided by Breitbart. When even the NYT is calling for Nancy Pelosi to remove Rangel from his Chair, the situation has just got to be worse than anyone knows at this juncture as so stated at Suitably Flip: Okay, Nan, It's On You. Nancy HATES getting called onto the carpet you know. It makes her wrinkle up.

Mr Pink Eyes has an article up claiming that Nancy is "quietly urging" Rangel to resign. I don't see this happening one bit. When was the last time a Democrat Leader actually even pretended that they had done something wrong? When has a Democrat Leader ever actually admitted to doing anything wrong?
Democrat Charlie Rangel who is chairman of the committee that writes the tax laws as been outed as a tax cheat and a fraud. He needs to resign, if not from congress that at least his chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee. [...]

[...] Privately, however, it appears as though Nancy Pelosi is urging Charlie Rangel to resign from the Ways and Means Committee. It is not surprising that Nancy Pelosi would have one position publicly and another privately. [...]
There it is again. The DNC Double Standard of do what I say and not as I do. Only the GOP has to answer to any wrong-doing and, they do, unlike their counter-parts.

On 17 SEPT 08 at STACLU, we read that Nancy is calling for the investigations into Barack's fund raising practices and Rangels unethical behavior. Oh. Wait. That was (D-LaLa Land) speaking. Disregard. But, it was funny. Go check it out.

This has been a short blurb in the dealing of the crook and abuser Rangel and he even has admitted to it. But, don't expect him to pay the price for it. A Democrat Party Leader can never do any wrong and if it appears to be a wrong-doing, surely it was the fault of someone a Republican.

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