Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Scum Sucking Libtard Morons Hack Into Gov Palin's Email


I wonder if these are the same anti-Americanist hate-filled Czarbie supporters? Link here at Libertarian Republican...
Leftwing on-line activists have hacked into Sarah Palin's private email account, and are now making the contents available all over the internet. According to Peter Rost Blog:

At around midnight last night the group gained access to governor Palin's email account "" and handed over the contents to the government sunshine site

Tech Voice is reporting that one of the hackers got Palin's password:
somebody was able to compromise “,” by apparently discovering the password to the account. The password was posted to a public forum - and a field day ensued.
Since the start of the Iraq War, Leftist Anti-War activists and even some libertarians have been accusing President Bush and Republicans of promoting policies that would invade personal privacy, including on-line internet communications. Hackers now invading Republican Palin's privacy could backfire, even with some civil libertarian privacy advocates not ordinarily friendly to Republicans. [...]
So much for "privacy, eh? And these morons whine about the Patriot Act that is governed by law? Please. May they all rot in hell...

This is two-hour old information folks...blurb and links at Wired...

Ace now reporting...Michelle Malkin now reporting...Spree here...Don Surber...Digital Gangster...Hot Air...MPJ...Donald Douglas...Anchoress...ATP (with video)...Breitbart (with video)...Caucus Blogs...Gateway Pundit...more Gateway...Heading Right...JWF...JOTJ...drillanwr...NY Sun...Political Punch...Fox News...NY Post...The Hill...WaPo...Pirate's Cove...Redstate...Suitably Flip...Mike's America...

DOJ set to investigate this issue and prosecute...HT Macsmind

Meat-whistle ... Swampland ... they say it was an accident? ... a dweeb rambles...mentally impaired moron...and another one...Assoc Press...GTL...and some libtards at Huff and Puff are blaming Karl Rove...

Now at Memeorandum...and here...and here...


More from Michelle Malkin...

Apparently, the evil hacking troll moron is getting caught...

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