Friday, September 19, 2008

War News of Extreme Interest...To Me Anyway


I am not much of one for conspiracies. However, knowing what I do know of Iran, I wouldn't doubt this story one bit...and I don't. However, I understand why nothing is being done about it but do not agree.

Iran has been in a proxy war with the United States since 1979, thanks to Jimmy Carter. I was serving back then and I expressly remember rucking up and shipping out. To where is none of your business, actually but, ship out I did. The rest of that story is in my book, well, manuscript.

I ran across this story in two places; STACLU and Radarsite penned by the same author, RG.

Apparently, there is more than enough evidence that Iran had a hefty hand in the 91101 attacks that claimed thousands of lives on our home soil. I can say more but I won't.

We already know that Iran has been arming terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan and we also know that Iran has Troops in both countries fighting coalition forces. This is no secret but isn't talked about for the obvious reasons. I know. And that is all I need.

I am happier than a pig in mud that this has finally breached the sounds of silence

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