Thursday, September 18, 2008

A War News Update


From Michael Yon:
Death In The Corn Part I of III:
15 September 2008
Helmand Province, Afghanistan

The soldiers are living like animals at a little rat’s nest called FOB Gibraltar. They call it “Gib.” Named after the lynchpin of British naval dominance in the Mediterranean, this cluster of mud huts in the middle of hostile territory is more like Fort Apache, Afghanistan. The British soldiers from C-Company 2 Para live in ugly conditions, fight just about every day, and morale is the best I have seen probably anywhere. [...]

Death In The Corn Part II of III:
Published: 17 September 2008

The ambush was set, but “Terry” Taliban didn’t step into it. The most successful hunters are not the ones who bag something every time, but the ones who hunt all the time, and 2 Para has been hunting the most dangerous prey. The soldiers of C-co 2 Para are not sure how many they’ve killed in the past five months, but the estimates are around 200, and during the days I spent with them, their average daily kill would put them well over that number. [...]

Heavy fighting in Mosul - thanks to previous idiots...Al Qaeda is unpopular and imploding...Iran is on a campaign of slaughter just like a good murderous dictatorship would be.

Cyber-terrorists shut down the AQ web site so their 911 message came a few days late.

An American Islami scum praises the 91101 attacks and calls them justified while some Muslims are actually saying something differently...

Syrian Commandos have deployed to Lebanon and more and more is being uncovered in regards to the joint raid on Syria which resulted in the destruction of either a WMD plant or storage facility.

Seeing that the Winter Soldier and IVAW frauds shot their wads and everyone now knows that they are idiots, a new breed of "anti-war" cowards are emerging from the primordial ooze in which they were cloned in.

Pakistani Troops are "engaging" with US Troops and have been given orders to fire on US Troops and no one is quite sure where this will lead. Some in Pakistan want to ally with Iran to defeat the USA. Like I said, no one is sure where this is all going.

Saddam Hussein may not have had anything at all to do with the attacks on 91101 but he sure wanted folks to think he did. By the way, there have been so many accomplishments and improvements in Iraq that most can hardly believe their eyes.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has now been given full authority in the waters off the Iranian coast and Pakistan has now prepared to halt oil shipments to NATO in case they are attacked.

General Odierno assumes command of MNF-I, and General Petraeus relinquishes command, comes home and visits with his CIC. The Change of Command went off without a glitch. Some are equating General Petraeus to Eisenhower.

Not that this upsets me or anything but it does concern me. What were the Somali pirates exposed to when they tried to pirate a ship? Whatever it was, it killed them. The ship was Iranian so there is no telling what was on board.

Our Embassy in Yemen was attacked which, confirms that we are still at war in the GLOBAL War On Terror. The death toll was at 10 then increased to 16 and there may be more. In the attack, an American civilian was killed. At any rate, 25 have been taken into custody.

While AQ is on the ropes in most places, but they seem to be popping up in Yemen and terrorist training camps have become uncovered in Canada and there just may be a sleeper cell operating in Texas while Iran continues to arm the Taliban. I suppose Nancy will be thankful for that so the Iranians can bring peace to Afghanistan like they did in Iraq.

And 7 GI's were KIA after their chopper went down in Iraq.

Please keep our Troops in your prayers as we face these thugs down.

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