Tuesday, September 16, 2008

War News


So Pakistan has ordered military action against the US, eh?
KEY corps commanders of Pakistan’s 600,000-strong army issued orders last night to retaliate against “invading” US forces that enter the country to attack militant targets. The move has plunged relations between Islamabad and Washington into deep crisis over how to deal with al-Qa’ida and the Taliban. [...]
And there are some in this country that were happy that President Musharref was ousted? Because he was friends with president Bush? And now we have a potential military conflict with Pakistan because of it? This is a good thing, in which way?

With the breaking news that once again, terrorists were hiding among the villagers and induced an attack, I hope that the anti-Americanists in this country are happy with themselves. All in the name of BDS and hatred of the country they live in, reaping the benefits of the freest nation on the planet, innocent civilians were killed. These scum in this country do nothing but embolden the enemy. I sure wish someone would open up Open Season and make it a no bag limit.

One of these days, the Enemies of The State will be unable to stop the productions of the DVD releases of the Path To 9/11. For now, the movie remains in mothballs because it makes Billy Bob Cigar Toy Boy and his asswipe side-kick Tenet look like the idiots that they are. And these same idiots on the left dare claim that Sarah Palin "censored" books? Morons.

America's leading Hero, General David Petraeus is set to turn Iraq over to General Ray Odierno on 16 SEPT 08. He has issued his final letter to the troops he commands. My thoughts and prayers go out to General Petraeus and the Troops he commanded. My thoughts and prayers also go out to General Odierno and the Troops that he will now command. Happy Hunting.

On 10 SEPT 08, President Talibani of Iraq traveled to DC to meet with President Bush and, in part and among other things stated, he shared this:
PRESIDENT TALABANI: Well, Mr. President, thank you very much for giving me the honor of meeting you again. I think it's clear that we are in Iraq looking to you as a hero of liberation of Iraq from worst kind of dictatorship. And now we are working with your -- with you, Mr. President, for finalizing the strategic framework agreement between United States and Iraq. And also, we are always getting benefit from your views about how to secure Iraq. I think you know very well that you and we in Iraq achieved very good successes on terrorism. Now I can say all parts of Iraq liberated from terrorist control and activities. It's true that some groups remain hiding themselves from here or there, but there's no place, no inch of Iraqi land under the control of terrorist activities. There are some terrorist -- still groups working -- hiding themself, and thanks to you and sacrifice of your brave army and to Iraqi people, now we can live in peace and security. And Iraq government started to spend the money which we have for serving the Iraqi people and rebuilding the country, reconstructing the country. Not only we liberated our country from terrorist activities, but also from militias, outlawed militias who are also making troubles and danger for Iraqi people. And as you have heard, the Basra city, Sadr City, (inaudible), Ninawa, Baqubah -- all these cities are now liberated. So we are thankful to you and to your people, your army. We hope that the agreement about this strategy formation will be signed soon. And as usual, we are working, our parliament is working now for finalizing the draft of a new law for election provinces, and I hope that, as I heard the news yesterday, I hope that today it will be finalized, because the groups -- head of groups of parliament are now gathering in parliament to reach -- to finalize this. In our country, we are now busy to reconstruct our country and to rebuild our country. And I am glad to tell you, Mr. President, that our position with our neighbors is improved very well -- with Turkey, with Syria, with Iran, with the Arab countries. The relation is notable now and we have no problem with any of these countries. In contrary, many, many new ambassadors are coming --
Drop dead you anti-Americanist Code Skanks and the rest of your kind you sorry scum.

And before I forget, General David Petraeus will leave Iraq differently than when he first arrived. Iraq is much safer now than it was and the people of Iraq thank the General and the men and women that liberated them. (click link for video)

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