Monday, November 12, 2007

Why Isn't Armitage on Trial For The Plame Game?


In previous posts here, here and here and, a plethora here, we brought to our readers the evidence of the Great Witch Hunt in search of The Leaker of a non-covert CIA attention deprived unit. As many of us said way back when, this whole issue was and still is a non-issue. The wrong guy was on trial for "leaking" and everyone knew it.

Now, the correct "leaker" is well known and he is on speaking engagements bragging about it. I guess only a Leftinistra can out a CIA "operative" and get away with it.

[...] Blitzer brought up the subject as he was reaching the end of the interview, which was primarily about foreign policy concerns like Pakistan. The CNN host played a clip of Plame accusing Armitage of doing "a very foolish thing," to which Armitage agreed, but also added an explanation of his actions. Armitage: "They're not words on which I disagree. I think it was extraordinarily foolish of me. There was no ill intent on my part, and never seen, ever, in 43 years of having a security clearance, a covert operative's name in a memo. The only reason I knew a Mrs. Wilson, not Mrs. Plame, worked at the agency was because I saw it in a memo. But I don't disagree with her words, to a large measure." [...]
How quaint. Catch the wave.

Naturally, the usual moronic suspects will place the usual and transparent spin on the topic.

Tweedle Dee
Tweedle Dumb


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