Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ambinder: On A Roll


I swiped this...

"What Sen. Obama Just Doesn't Understand Is..."

That was Sen. McCain's constant strafe in the first debate.

What will he say tonight?

"What the terrorists' pal doesn't understand is..."

"I mean, who is this guy?" "No, seriously. Who are you?"

"What the non-maverick doesn't get it..."

"What this petulant tick of a bloviator can't comprehend is..."

"What this mysterious, dangerous boggy marsh of a man doesn't understand is..."

Meanwhile, Sen. Obama's repeated agreements with Sen. McCain were also notable.

So with what shall he agree tonight?

"I totally agree with John. Sarah Palin does have a way with words."

"I totally agree with John. The Atlantic's web redesign is posh."

"I totally agree with John. I've never met an honest Chicago pol."

"I totally agree with John. Glottal ls are tough to pronounce."

"I totally agree with John. Dick Fuld is a funny name."

"I totally agree with John. We totally disagree on what's important to the American people."

"I totally agree with John. Steve Schmidt could take David Plouffe in an MMA. But what does that have to do with average working families?"

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