Wednesday, October 29, 2008

API, Michelle Obama, Bribery, Crooks, Crooked Crooks - Alas I Repeat Myself


So, what is up with the Obama Campaign trying to bribe API? I don't get it. What are they trying to hide? And why are they so afraid of Truth? I find this all curious. I also find it believable seeing the track record of this crooked bunch of anti-Americanist crooks.
Six hours after the release of information by API on the planned broadcast by Fox News Network of the Michelle Obama tape, in accordance with an agreement that has been reached between API and Fox News Network, API was contacted by Obama’s Campaign Manager. [...]
Michelle Obama said in 2004 that Barack wouldn't be running for President because "he hasn't done anything yet." Then, all of a sudden, he was running for President and then we find out that he was running for President ever since he graduated college.

Barack lied about not taking public funding before he decided that he wasn't going to be able to run effectively without it because he was a nobody. He is still a nobody but he has managed to lie and buy votes. That's what crooks and liars do I guess. I also suppose that Al Capone would be proud.

His ACORN pukes are going ape snot. We know Obama lied about his association with ACORN and now it has been proven.
[...] A former staffer for an affiliate of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now testified today that the organization was provided a "donor list" from the presidential campaign of Barack Obama in late 2007 for fundraising efforts.

Anita Moncrief, a former Washington, D.C. staffer for Project Vote, which she described as a sister organization of ACORN, said her supervisor told her the list of campaign contributors came from the Obama campaign. Moncrief said she has a copy of a "development plan" that outlines how Obama contributors who had "maxed out" under federal contribution limits would be targeted to give to Project Vote, and that it was her job to identify such contributors. [...]
We know that Barack was part of the Clan that opposed fixing the DEMOCRAT PARTY induced financial crisis. Thus, we have an economic meltdown and we know that Barack oppsed any "fixing" of the problem. He blames President Bush which is a lie of convenience and if he had any moral fortitude at all, he would let people know that. Then again, we know he is a fraud and your basic fraud will never own up to anything until the end of the rope is reached. Barack's rope ends 11/4/08 with a loss of his bid to be First Czar of the USSA.

So, in order to squelch the True Michelle and the True Barack, the Obama Campaign offers a bribe to API. Swell, ain't it? I suppose we should take the blood in the streets warning seriously?

Thinkin'bout Stuff has a little more...

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