Thursday, October 2, 2008

Approaching P-Day


In approximately one hour, Sarah Palin will begin the systematic dismantling of one Joe Biden, Mr Gaffamatic. If you want some commentary for after the Palin Trouncing of Biden, feel free to head over to Heading Right Channel on Blog Talk Radio. There will be plenty Blog Talk Radio show hosts with the after action reports.

JPA Live and myself will be joining Cyber Pastor on Do The Right Thing Radio on BTR and it will be a hoot I am sure.

By the way, JPA Live will have his web cam up as he watches the Biden Spanking. Just click the link in the right side-bar.

Thousands line up in support of Sarah Palin as some have the Palin Nervometer activated. Some are saying to check Sarah's ears for radio receivers but if one were to say the same for Czarbie, one is classified as a racists. Hell. I have SPOTTED an ear piece for Czarbie the Fraud. These thugs are most assuredly scared stiff of Sarah, aren't they?

Some say that there are five ways for Sarah to win but I think there is only honest.

If you want to see just how frightened these Anti-Palin clowns are of Sarah, LGF has a report. Be warned - it is gross.

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