Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama: Unfit To Command


Barack Hussein Obama is unfit to command the United States Armed Forces. He is, however, fit to command a nation's military that operates under Marxist ideals and principles of enslavement of its people.

Barack Hussein Obama is unfit to lead a country unless that country operates under Marxist ideals and principles of enslavement of its people.

Approximately two years ago, I identified Barack Hussein Obama as a socialist that was influenced by Marxist ideals and principles in his upbringing. I was wrong...he isn't a socialist. He is a die hard Marxist. Stalin would have been proud of Barack Hussein Obama.

It isn't all that difficult to connect the dots. All the evidence one needs is here in my collection. Just be sure to understand what a "progressive" is and who the members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus members are. If you are having problems connecting the dots, that would be your problem and not mine.

One can catch the wave at Memeorandum...or here...

Not convinced yet? It doesn't take a college degree to figure it all out but it does require a knowledge of history that spans at least 232 years.

And, it would behoove everyone that is seriously interested in preserving Traditional America to write the RNC and ask them why they are ignoring these facts about Obama.

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