Sunday, October 12, 2008

Barack, Treason, Logan Act


Some time ago I wrote of Obama's Civilian National Homeland Security Forces. Initially, I thought his rhetoric was "Rather" harmless. Upon further investigation, I found that he was dead serious about it and he even mentioned it in the second Presidential Aspirant debate. Very few caught that factoid but it certainly did not escape my notice. In the link above, there are 26 posts and they will continue to grow.

Also, some time ago I wrote about Obama's blatant Logan Act violations. In that link there are 9 posts and they will also continue to grow. We can also throw in some Smith Act violations as well. Recently, others have reported on new evidence that Obama has in fact committed treason in his aspirations to the Presidency of the United States.

My original story was posted on 9/15/08 entitled, "I'll Take "What Is Treason" For The Presidency Alex". Shortly after that date, the Obama Camp simply dismissed it out of hand. However, we all know better, don't we?

Via STACLU, another article in the Washington Times, dated 10/10/08, reveals further information confirming Barack's illegal activities while on his quest to be appointed First Czar of the United Socialist States of America, regardless of RWNH.
[...] Mr. Obama's conversations with the Iraqi leaders, confirmed to The Washington Times by his campaign aides, began just two weeks after he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in June and stirred controversy over the appropriateness of a White House candidate's contacts with foreign governments while the sitting president is conducting a war. [...]
Seeing that Obama's Muslim Outreach Director has been confirmed as having met and is still meeting with our enemies - HAMAS and Hizballah - what is one to think? His whole Campaign is one big Logan Act violation after another. And we are to trust these treacherous and treasonous cretins to the National Security of this nation? Only fools will do so.

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