Thursday, October 9, 2008

Czarbie and His ACORN Farm


So, now that there is no doubt that Czarbie is a damned Marxist, now we can focus on his participation in voter and Campaign fraud activities with ACORN.

There are reports that Mr and Mrs Czarbie don't want folks to know about Ayers and ACORN but that is Mrs Marxist speaking. You know. The idiot that hasn't been proud of her country until recently. But, before we get into the real ACORN associations with the Marxist Fraud Czarbie, there are reports out now that Czarbie didn't even write his own memoirs. Some are saying that Ayers wrote the last one.

Now, on to the ACORN trees dropping their lazy crackheads like flies, as it were.

Right Voices has been chronically gathering data on this subject and one can spend days reading that stuff. One has to wonder why the ACORNers have to hire inmates to do their canvassing for them.

The ACORNers have stated that Czarbie is their Senator and for good reason. Czarbie will only win in November by lying, cheating and other fraudulent activities such as ACORN. In recent days, ACORN has been caught cooking the books for Czarbie in Nevada, Connecticut, Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana - and Indiana, 105% of their voters have been registered.

Naturally, Czarbie is denying it all. The Corner has an excellent pin the ACORN to the tree piece worthy of framing. The denial is laughable because he at one time was a trainer of ACORN activists. Spin that. More ACORN data here.

ACORN leaders say that they cannot weed out all of the fraudulent voter applications. That's because THEY are the frauds. Idiots. Fox News is at least covering the growing voter fraud issue and Brietbart has the video here and most of us have known for quite some time that Czarbie is an ACORN plant. From Yid With Lid:
[...] My guess is that Obama could jump either way if he is elected. But I don't want to find out. Gambling the fate of the United States on a fifty-fifty toss of a nickel is a very bad idea.

Rule 1 for November 4: Don't risk destroying the country. [END]

All things ACORN of mine is located here.

More at Memeorandum...and here...

Trackposted to Perri Nelson's Website, Rosemary's Thoughts, Faultline USA, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

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