Thursday, October 16, 2008




Despite his claims, Barack Obama is the "most protectionist U.S. presidential candidate in decades."

The Facts About Barack Obama's Record:

The Wall Street Journal: "On The Record So Far, Mr. Obama Is The Most Protectionist U.S. Presidential Candidate In Decades." (Editorial, "Change You'll Have To Pay For," Wall Street Journal Asia, 5/28/08)

· The Wall Street Journal: "Mr. Obama Is Promising Change You Can Believe In. But On Trade, It Is Closer To The Status Quo Americans Will Be Paying For." (Editorial, "Change You'll Have To Pay For," The Wall Street Journal, 5/28/08)

· Barack Obama Pledges To Renegotiate NAFTA With The Threat Of A "Potential Opt-Out." NBC's Tim Russert: "A simple question. Will you as president say to Canada and Mexico, this [NAFTA] has not worked for us, we are out?" Obama: "I will make sure that we renegotiate in the same way that Senator Clinton talked about, and I think actually Senator Clinton's answer on this one is right. I think we should use the hammer of a potential opt-out as leverage to ensure that we actually get labor and environmental standards that are enforced." (Sen. Barack Obama, MSNBC Democrat Presidential Debate, Cleveland, OH, 2/26/08)

· Barack Obama Opposes The Colombia Free Trade Agreement. Obama: "The violence against unions in Colombia would make a mockery of the very labor protections that we've insisted be included in these types of agreements." (WHTM-TV Harrisburg's "News," 4/7/08)

· Barack Obama Opposes The South Korea Free Trade Agreement. "'Senator Obama does not support the South Korea free trade agreement in its current form,' Obama spokesperson Jen Psaki tells ABC News." (Teddy Davis, "Clinton And Obama Follow Edwards On Trade", 4/23/07)

· Barack Obama Voted Against CAFTA Twice. (S. 1307, CQ Vote #170: Adopted 54-45: R 43-12; D 10-33; I 1-0, 6/30/05, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 3045, CQ Vote #209: Adopted 55-45: R 43-12; D 11-33; I 1-0, 7/28/05, Obama Voted Nay)

· "[M]r. Obama … Would Have Voted Against Giving The President 'Fast Track' Authority To Negotiate More Trade Deals." (Greg Hinz, "Keyes Guarantees Rocky Ride For GOP," Crain's Chicago Business, 8/16/04)

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown Criticized Obama's Economic Isolationism, Saying It Will "Affect Every Industry" And "Hold Back The Development Of The World." Prime Minister Brown: "We cannot allow protectionism to become the dominant mood because that will affect every industry and it will hold back the development of the world. … If you go to America, the debate is about how they can restrict imports from China and other countries; if you go to parts of Europe, the debate is about heavy-handed regulation of hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, or other instruments of finance; ... there is absolutely no doubt that protectionist sentiment is growing, particularly in America and Europe." (Sarah Arnott, "Protectionist Mood In US Threatens Progress, Says Brown," The [London] Financial Times, 5/20/08)

Foreign Minister David Milibrand Urged Barack Obama To Commit To Free Trade After He Opposed Other Free Trade Agreements. "Britain's Foreign Secretary David Miliband is to urge the United States to remain committed to free trade, he said in comments published on Monday as he begins a five-day visit there. The Financial Times quoted Miliband as saying that Washington must remain committed to global trade 'in a very fundamental way' after Democratic Party hopefuls for the US presidency both spoke against free trade pacts." ("British FM To Push US To Remain Committed To Free Trade: Report," Agence France Presse, 5/19/08)

"Peter Mandelson, European Trade Commissioner, Has Said The Protectionist Stances Taken By The US Presidential Candidates Risk Taking The World Trading System Back By Decades." (Alan Beattie, "EU Trade Chief Hits At Democrat Hopefuls," Financial Times, 5/7/08)

"Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper Says The United States Should Not Reopen Talks On The North American Free Trade Agreement As The Two U.S. Democratic Presidential Hopefuls Have Proposed." ("Canada's Prime Minister Warns US It Would Be Making A Mistake To Reopen NAFTA," The Associated Press, 2/28/08)

"Colombia's President Sharply Criticized U.S. Presidential Contender Barack Obama On Wednesday For Opposing A Trade Deal With His Country, Calling The Democrat Out Of Touch With The Realities Of The South American Nation." ("Colombia's President Criticizes Obama," The Associated Press, 4/3/08)

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