Thursday, October 16, 2008

Final Presidential Debate: Debate Fact #1




Barack Obama talks about his economic leadership but he was "mum" on the crisis for weeks.

The Facts About Barack Obama:
Barack Obama Did Not Make Calls To Round Up Votes For The Economic Recovery Package

* Obama Aides Concede Obama Did Not Make Calls To Round Up Votes. ABC's JOHN BERMAN: "The McCain campaign has been hammering Obama suggesting he did not take a leading role in the financial negotiations." SEN. MCCAIN: "At first, he didn't want to get involved. Then, he was monitoring the situation." BERMAN: "Indeed, Obama aides say he did not make any calls to help round up votes."(ABC's "Good Morning America," 9/30/08)

* Barack Obama "Hinted That Had He Known Earlier The Deal Was Going Down To Defeat He Would Have Worked The Phones Even Harder." "Obama also hinted that had he known earlier the deal was going down to defeat he would have worked the phones even harder, especially given that some of those who voted no, were some of his early supporters." (Lee Cowan, "Obama Places No Blame ,But..."MSNBC's "First Read" Blog, Posted 9/30/08)

* Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) Said He Did Not Feel Pressure To Vote For The Bailout Bill. "Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., told me yesterday that he felt no pressure at all to vote for the bill. 'For me it was an easy decision,' Johnson said. 'The bill has nothing in there that mandates workouts of these foreclosures that are pending. We have up to 5 million that are meant to occur over the next year.'" (Jake Tapper, "And What About Those 95 Democrats?" ABC News' "Political Punch" Blog, Posted 9/30/08)

Barack Obam Was"Mum" On The Financial Crisis

* The Washington Times: "Obama Mum On Market Crisis." "Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama opted Friday not to divulge details of his recovery plan for the financial crisis after a morning meeting with his top economic advisers – fearing it would stir Wall Street jitters." (S.A. Miller, "Obama Mum On Market Crisis," The Washington Times, 9/20/08)

* Barack Obama "Opted Friday Not To Divulge Details Of His Recovery Plan For The Financial Crisis." "Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama opted Friday not to divulge details of his recovery plan for the financial crisis after a morning meeting with his top economic advisers -- fearing it would stir Wall Street jitters." (S.A. Miller, "Obama Mum On Market Crisis," TheWashingtonTimes,9/20/08)

* Fox News' Major Garrett Reported That Barack Obama Would Not Take A Position On Whether Or Not He Supported Or Opposed The Government Rescue Of AIG. GARRETT: "On the biggest financial issue of the day, Barack Obama would not say if he supported or opposed the government-backed rescue of insurance giant AIG." BARACK OBAMA: "We don't know all the details of the arrangement with AIG and the Federal Reserve must ensure that plans protect the families that count on insurance." GARRETT: "Obama also wants taxpayers protected but executives and shareholders exposed but on the central question to intervene or not, Obama sidestepped. Advisers said lack of details forced caution. The larger political truth: advisors believe anxiety alone is enough to lift Obama in the polls. That is why on the trail, Obama doesn't talk about specifics of the moment but the nation's overall direction." (Fox News' "The Special Report," 9/17/08)

* Joe Biden On The AIG Bailout: "It's Hard To Judge That Right Now." JOE BIDEN: "It’s hard to second guess. I haven’t spoken with the Secretary. I mean there’s no good answer because it was the spot the policies of the last eight years that put us in. So it’s hard to judge that right now, in my spot right here." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 9/18/08)

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