Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Impressions: Presidential Aspirant Debate #2


Prior to the debate last evening in Nashville, TN, I had been reading many blog posts and articles from all over the internet that Gore made, didn't make and then confirmed that he made as expressed by Pelosi some months ago. I was forewarned to not my sights to high expectations so I wouldn't be disappointed.

Also, prior to the debate, on my BTR show and then the JPA Live BTR show, we aired various audio clips from Sarah Palin and John McCain where it appeared that the gloves were off and they came out fast, hard and strong. During the course of the two shows, JPA Live and I were invited to join DTRT Radio on BTR for and after debate discussion. We were hoping that the same McCain we heard over the weekend and on Monday prior would arrive in Nashville.

With that, I had not set my sights to the High Expectation level. As the post title states, first impressions can be good or they can be bad. Well, it was good that my expectations weren't set on High. My first impression was the Yawners In Nashville. Both of them disappointed me. I was hoping for some blood-letting.

On the DTRT show, we discussed one thing and then the other and the most disappointing thing of all was this; there were no sound clips available to air on our shows the next day. After the show, I commenced to read and scan through the plethora of verbiage being published from all over. As I did so, I watched a re-run of the debate on CNN and then on Fox. I learned that my first impression was in error because McCain did not strike Obama down as I would have.

Whereas John McCain did not come out swinging, he did inflict slow-bleed wounds on Obama.

As of this writing, I have 77 posts and articles stored for future reference and for your pleasure...or not. Some time in the near future, I will expound upon several issues that I found interesting how McCain skewered Obama and it is going to take several days for Obama to figure it out. This may help some folks...a poll shows that McCain is only 2 points down. You all know how I feel about polls. If this poll is correct, what then is the panic all about? Two points? That, according to pollsters, is equivalent to a dead tie.

Anyway, having watched the debate three times now and having had time to calm down and get over my disappointment because McCain did not draw pools of blood, my first impression has been replaced with absolute an extent.

Originally, I considered the first 60 minutes as a complete draw. The last 30 minutes was a victory for McCain. So, on a scale of 1 > 10, I gave McCain a "weak 1". I have since changed that scoring method and in the next debate, I will apply what I have learned from the first two debates to the third. My disappointment has been abated...for now.

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