Friday, October 24, 2008

Keeping Up The Pressure: Barack's New Party Membership Days


So. Barack mocks the "socialist" charges and comments? He calls it "opportunity" now? Such a cretin he is as well as a sociopathic liar. What else would we expect from the Marxist trash?

World Net Daily, The Corner, Power Line, Gateway Pundit and a host of others have written on this subject. The Real Barack Obama has posted on this subject since January of 2008, here in Jan, here in Aug and here in Oct.

Chicago Ray is reporting on it today, as I am. So is New Zeal. So, what is the bottom line here? The bottom line is that Barack is indeed a proponent of far-left ideology that is 180 degrees out of phase with the United States Constitution. He also knows that he is not eligible to even run for CIC or POTUS let alone actually BE CIC or POTUS. A true-blue Marxist or socialist with ulterior motives won't care about the Constitution. Once elected, who knows what will transpire?

With the threats of riots and violence in case Barack loses, what are the contingencies for elected an ineligible Marxist to the office of POTUS? Will the SCOTUS step in and uphold the Constitution or not? What will the CONgress do? What will We The People do? The only thing left available folks is to elect John McCain and worry about the Marxist Czarbie later and deal with the anti-Americanists inspired by the likes of William Ayers and his Prairie Fire crap.

Check out the Prairie Fire web site here just for the hell of it. OK? There are two, is here and the other is here. They boast of and promote "progressivism" and we all know what that is. Correct?

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