Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Latest Update On The AWOL Obama-Soetoro Birth Certificate


Barack Hussein Obama, or whatever his name is, has by default admitted to not being a United States Citizen.

I saw these reports yesterday but haven't written on it until now.

I thought that it was odd that Obama suddenly had to skip town and head to Hawaii to visit his ailing Grandmother that he threw under the bus some time ago because, after all, she is just another one of those typical white people.

She was admitted to the hospital last week or so and she managed to get there on her own and he didn't bother to go see her then so why now? The following data explains the real reason why he is "SUDDENLY" concerned about dear old Grandma that lives under a bus now.

As far as I understand, when one does not show up or comply with or respond to legal action within our US Court System, the Judge must rule in favor of the Party that does appear. Obama was ordered by the Courts to produce his Birth Certificate...the real one and not the forged COLB that was on his web site and the Daily Kosmonoff web site.

The DNC was also ordered to produce the documents required and they failed to comply as well. Someone has some explaining to do.

Politeia, Right Side News, McNorman, Humbled Infidel, DTRT, DBKP, WUAs, Atlas Shrugs, Anti-Mullah, AAB,

Go here for a history of posts and articles on this subject...

Go here for the legal stuff...Justia filings and dockets

More data farming can be found here...

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