Sunday, October 5, 2008

Libtards Just Don't Get It and They Never Will


Read the title again please because I am about to tell you why. Done? Good. They don't get it because they are dumber than a box of turtle turds. That's why. Case in point? Behold.

Marc Ambinder wrote a piece entitled, "Wm. Ayers v. Todd Palin: Tales from GBA-Land". In that article one will find the following:
[...] Conservative groups have spent more than ten million dollars on ads tying Obama to Ayers, and so far, Americans don't seem to give a heck. (This tells us what about how we're going to make that mortgage payment?) [...]
Without going into the details at the moment, a retarded libtard idiot at the KOSmonoffs - go figure - had this to say about the article:
Still, it's all they have left, so they'll stick with it. And yup, no one gives a damn.
The poor fool can believe that if the sot wants to. I could care less. The problem is, some other idiot dumber than that one just might believe its idiocy. That's where we come in.

The pathetic blithering idiot obviously got nothing from the remainder of the article and chose instead to cherry pick something that unwrinkled its panties. What Marc was talking about was the lame attempts of the Leftinistra to compare the Obama-Ayers associations with the Mr Palin-Mrs Palin associations with each other seeing that at one time, Todd Palin was associated with the Alaska Independence Party. Such is the case to one of my commenters which can be read here.

Many states in our Union have considered secession from the Union, Oklahoma being one of the most recent. However, they are not running around blowing things up nor are they saying that their only regret is having not done enough or more. Therein lies the difference. For the record, I am in favor of Texas divorcing itself from the Union. We are the only State that can do this very easily...Texas joined up via Treaty and can withdraw that treaty by the same quorum it took to join. We are also the ONLY State in the Union that can fly the State Flag - The Lone Star Texas Flag - at the same height as the American Flag. That was part of the Treaty. Does that make me a domestic terrorist and do I run around blowing stuff up like the domestic terrorist Ayers did? Not hardly.

For the past 3 weeks, I have been offering $500 to students at various college campuses to prove me wrong about the Obama-Ayers connection. When I first bring the subject up, I get various responses and reactions and most of them are derogatory in nature. Then - THEN - I break out 5-each crisp $100 bills and I lay them down on a table or a bench and I say, "Support your position without a reasonable doubt and the $500 is yours." You should see them scramble. Some of them have asked if they can use my computer and I let them. So far, I still have that $500. They learned that the Czarbie-Ayers associations are factual, credible and unacceptable. I have swung many voters away from Czarbie and I am damned proud of that.

Americans DO care, Mr Dumbass Kos. I see it everyday on the college campuses I frequent. One Moonbat Spider Hole at a time, we are Taking Our Country Back. Of that you can rest assured. I just wish that more Americans actually gave a damn and do what I and others are doing...going after the folks at the bottom and working our way up.

When the time comes, and it will should we collectively do nothing, what will you tell the demons when they come?

More at Memeorandum...

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