Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama: The Exiled Girl Friend?


The other day on the 12th of October, Ace posted a piece on Obama's girl friend that has been exiled for one reason or another. He has since taken it down because of some idiot placing comments that Ace asked folks not to do. I find his actions exactly appropriate.

Suitably Flip has details on the issue as does Jammie Wearing Fool. The Daily Mail is skeptical I suppose due to the Clinton Campaign not bringing it up. But, I agree that the Clinton's don't have any credibility in that regard, do they?

In a nut shell, the alleged girl friend has been exiled to the Caribbean and has been there for at least a year doing her job at whatever it is and is still getting paid big bucks by a Sugar Daddy yet to be identified.

Consider this to be the obligatory post on this issue.

More at Memeorandum...Czarbie seems to be a "hit" because of his adultery...if so, this is one more example of the debauchery infecting this nation...

Just ran into these posts via the Reader...


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