Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama's Under The Bus Grandma, Birth Certificates and Mental Illness


Riehl World View: Obama Shouldn't Get A Pass On This
This may be a bit uncomfortable but it warrants pointing out. Obama made this brief video appearance today to talk about his Grandmother, spinning it somewhat into a character/judgment issue: "I didn't want to make the same mistake twice." That's because he said his Mother died before he was able to get back to see her. [...]
It is called the Sympathy Card because he is trying to hide from the Birth Certificate Issue that theoretically, the Hawaiian Supreme Court has "delayed" hearings until Nov 7th. It has been 72 hours since Obama announced that he was going to see his ailing Grandmother. 72 hours? I guess she isn't all that ill.
It's been almost 72 hours since Barack Obama announced he was leaving the campaign trail to be with his ailing white grandmother and from all accounts he's yet to leave for Hawaii. Hate to be harsh here, but for a guy who's lamenting not being there with his mother when she was ill, he appears to be taking his time getting to Hawaii to visit grandma. [...]
I brought to your attention not too long ago why I thought that the fraud what is Obama is really going to Hawaii. And it isn't about his Grandmother that he threw under the bus for votes either.
Folks, I wish to stress that this is the only source I have on this at this time, and am working on more…imagine the only person left knowing the real truth on her deathbed. Deathbed confessions are a normal part of life. Imagine…

Again I stress, this is the only source at this time.

Andy Martin is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” just wrapped up a news conference at the Hawaii State Capitol. In the news release he claims that his international investigation has come to the conclusion that Barack Obama is really the son of Frank Marshall Davis, the man he refers to as his mentor, quite often in his book “Dreams From My Father”. [...]
The Astute Bloggers had something on this the other day but it was in regards to a poem that Barack wrote in tribute to his "father"...he wrote it to Uncle Frank. The plot thickens while more and more suits are filed to force the issue to its proper end...the disclosure of a damn birth certificate. That is all we are asking. Proof positive that Barack Hussein Obama is indeed CONSTITUTIONALLY eligible to be the President of the United States.

Collections of this issue is located here...

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