Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The One Messiah Czarbie Socialist Marxist Bastard ACORNer Lying Ass


There are already a herd and a plethora of posts on the Marxist/Socialist/Communist Barack Hussein Obama in regards to his unconstitutional policies and his suspect eligibility to run for the highest office of the land and his terrorist ties both foreign and domestic and his campaigning for a socialist thug in Kenya and his lying about everything and anything that might ruin his chances to become the First Czar of the USSA. Also, if he isn't a US citizen, he is an illegal alien and must immediately vacate his Senate seat and anything he did as a US Senator and an Illinois State Senator must be immediately revoked and/or reversed.

With that all said, have fun...

Web Archives Confirm Barack Obama Was Member Of Socialist "New Party"
Obamassiah Indoctrination in Schools
USA Today, The Nation Confirm Davis As Member Of Socialist New Party, Support Obama Socialist Membership Documents!
A tax cut for 95% of the people when only 60% pay taxes?
Obama shields ACORN from Criminal Prosecution in the Economic Crisis
Barack Obama's Resume, The Real One
Unreal... New 8th Grade English Textbooks Now Contain 15 Page Section on Obama!
A Chronology Of Obama's Statements On Bill Ayers
The secret scrapbook of Barry Soetoro Barack Obama
Obama’s New Welfare Plan
The Obama Campaign’s Misogyny
Obama Friends Call Character Into Question
An Obama 'Rescue' Plan That Doesn't
Washington Times on Obama-Odinga-Genocide-Muslim Law
Hundreds Of Economists Oppose Barack Obama's Economic Plan-Letter and Signatures
Breaking News: Communists Lie
Barack Obama: Potential Genocide Is Not An Excuse to Keep US Troops In Iraq
Obama's Big New Corporate Tax Cut; And Who's Spending More?
Vicious Obamabots Run Amock On Campaign Site; Barack Obama Can’t Even Administer His Own Web Site Participants

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