Monday, August 18, 2008

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to resign


Bummer...Shazbot...this is going to get interesting. Could it be that Czarbama is in cahoots with his friends of the Taliban so he can invade Pakistan? Just curious, seeing how not too laong ago he said we need to bomb an ally and that didn't go over very well, did it?

Gateway Pundit now reporting and has video: "Musharraf says some people were putting self interest in front of the country and this has forced him to resign." ...

Sounds like they have American liberals over there, too! also has a vantage point and video... TAB ... NewsGoobers ... DMN ... PJM ...

JW: "Whether I win or lose, the nation will lose," ...

Yep. Democrats so love to lose! It makes them happier because they are so dismally pathetic.

Babbling soon to begin at Memeorandum...

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