Thursday, October 23, 2008

The People Obama Doesn't Want To Offend Are Planning To Strike Israel


This should make Barack happy seeing that he doesn't like Israel anyway.
Senior Tehran officials are recommending a preemptive strike against Israel to prevent an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear reactors, a senior Islamic Republic official told foreign diplomats two weeks ago in London.

The official, Dr. Seyed G. Safavi, said recent threats by Israeli authorities strengthened this position, but that as of yet, a preemptive strike has not been integrated into Iranian policy. [...]
In other news that will make Obama is happy is this:
The Fairfax County Registrar—and possibly other Registrars in Virginia—is rejecting most Federal Write-in Absentee Ballots (FWAB) cast by our men and women in uniform.

The FWAB is a federally mandated write-in ballot that allows military servicemembers and their dependents to cast an absentee ballot when they have not received a ballot before the election. It is a safety net that allows a service member to vote even if the mail truck hasn't reached his or her remote base in Iraq or Afghanistan in time to cast a regular absentee ballot. [...]
Here we go again, not allowing the military to have their say. What else will make The One happy? Oh. Yes. The Fairness Doctrine. That will keep the heat off of the non-US citizen for sure. I guess the above could be at least two of those scenarios that Joe Biden was "flourishing" about.

Here is something else that Barack might be happy about.
[...] I predict the total annihilation of the United States, as a result of the many injustices it perpetrates around the world. These are people who do not believe in Allah or in the reckoning of Judgment Day. The only thing they believe in is brute material force. [...]
Yep. Sounds just like a Democrat to me. The problem is that the yammering came from HAMAS.

The most recent thing that will make Obama happy is that Biden has been removed from the campaign trail after his flourishing. I guess it wasn't all that flourishing after all.
All of the MSM and certainly all of the Democrats have slammed Governor Palin as being such a lousy pick as John McCain's VP choice.

I think the joke is on them ........... Senator Joe Biden has repeatedly embarrassed the Democrats and they apparently have sent him home to "dry out." The guy is obviously on the bottle and his daily gaffes prove it!

For anyone who thinks perhaps I am picking on poor 'ol Joe just remember it was Joe Biden who took the lumber to Joe The Plumber in an effort to discredit him in front of America. He has no shame whatsoever. [...]
Poor guy. Maybe he is a McCain plant after all?

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