Sunday, October 26, 2008

This IS Insane: Global Financial Governance?


I know that President Bush is a Globalist but someone is now declaring him to be a socialist and can "do more damage to American-style capitalism during his last months in office than Obama could ever do in a four-year term as president." Whereas I don't necessarily agree with that, he did support and steer the unconstitutional financial bail-outs in American history. That is scary enough but the following is even more scary.
[...] Bush’s latest scheme, as he explained in his Saturday radio address, is a November 15 “international summit,” including the United Nations Secretary-General, to “begin developing principles of reform for regulatory bodies and institutions related to our financial sectors.” This is bureaucratic doublespeak for what has been called “global governance.” Some may fear with good reason that world government and global taxes are on the way in and U.S. sovereignty is on the way out.

Kept hidden from the American people is the fact that the U.N., under its new General Assembly President, Miguel D’Escoto, a sort of Jeremiah Wright on a global level, is working to take advantage of the continuing crisis.

D’Escoto is the renegade Catholic Priest and former foreign minister of Communist Sandinista Nicaragua who advocates Marxist-oriented liberation theology and won the Lenin Peace Prize from the old Soviet Union. He is in a position to influence the conduct of Bush’s “international summit” and may even show up there. [...]
This is worse than the LOST deal and the Obama Global Poverty initiative put together. This is the culmination of the GOP falling asleep at the wheel and giving more and more ground to the Leftinistra all in the name of playing nice-nice and "taking the higher road".

We Grunts have a saying: we fight the wars that the idiots in DC get us into in the first place.

And this nonsense with the United Nations is a perfect example. Insanity runs amok in DC.

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