Saturday, October 18, 2008

To The Fence Sitters: Why Should We Fight For You?


Some time ago I penned the posts, Fight The Fight Citizen Soldiers! and What Will You Say To The Demons.

I ended the first post as such:
[...] I remember as well. I know first hand what it is like when filthy, dirty, scum politicians turn their backs on the lives of Troops protecting their worthless lives from situations that THEY got us into in the first damn place. Screw Czarbie and his followers and may they rot and burn in hell for the sins and the crimes they have committed against our Troops for their precious and pathetic power grabs.

And now, due to political expediency, as his own son heads of to war, Joe Biden is now balking and doing what he accused Czarbie of doing. What a coward and political hack bastard he is.

Not only is Czarbie unqualified to lead a fart factory, Joe Biden should be ashamed. They disgust me beyond contempt. [END]
I ended the second as such:
[...] Czarbama gets into the White House and along with him comes a veto-proof conglomerate and there will be nothing to stop him from reversing all of President Bush's accomplishments, both good and bad. There will be nothing to stop the Fairness Doctrine from becoming a reality. There will be nothing to stop him from raising taxes to the degree of which we have never seen. There will be nothing to stop him from creating his Civilian National Security Forces and there will be nothing to stop the Universal National Service Act. We will no longer have a voice to be heard. Conservative talk shows both professional and BTR will cease to exist. Conservative bloggers and Conservative outlets will vanish.

Czarbama mentioned at one time his presidency would be for 8 to 10 years. So much for the 22nd Amendment and kiss the United States Constitution goodbye because once we are turned over to the One World United Nations Consortium and World Court, the Conservative Voice is history. Remember the List of 45? Have you read it? Have you memorized it? Are you armed? Do you give a damn? If not, why then, did we fight for you? Do you give a damn? If not, why then, should we fight for you again? [END]
I cannot fathom the concept that there are people not yet decided as to who they will be voting for in November to the Presidency of the United States. I suppose it is due to apathy, ignorance, stupidity or just not paying attention to that which is going on in the world. It could be that there are indeed completely brain dead people in this world.

If you want a Marxist as President, vote Czarbie. If you don't want a Marxist as President, vote McCain. It really is that simple.

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