Thursday, November 6, 2008

Does The Illegal Alien Barack Have A Birth Certificate?


Way back in January of 2008 when the Presidential Aspirant eligibilities arose, John McCain came forward with his certifications and the United States Congress dropped the subject like a hot soldering iron. So did Barack Hussein Obama. Since then, several of us have been on this subject.

Along the way, I had concluded that the issue was a moot point because certainly Barack would know if he was born in the United States or at least on one of her territories. Well, again, apparently he wasn't born on or in either. If he was, there would be no questions at this point. There are questions and these questions must be sated. If Barack was born in the United States or one of her territories, he would surely had come forward and produced his evidence. He hasn't.

The Daily KOSmonoffs "produced the evidence" and that evidence was proven to be a forgery and the individual that did the forgery admitted to such. The "evidence" was removed from their web site and shortly thereafter, it was also removed from the illegal alien's (Barack) web site as well. This is when the tide turned and I jumped back on that bandwagon and I will not let up.

I originally agreed with Redstate and LGF and STACLU. Then it got interesting. The posted document was proved a forgery and it went viral from there. Go here for the collection of posts on this issue. For my posts on this, go here.

Bringing this all up to date, WND and Chicago Ray have must read posts. Here is the bottom line...the SCOTUS has issued a writ ordering the DNC and Barack Hussein Obama to produce the Real Deal by 01 DEC 08.

This is getting interesting...

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