Sunday, November 2, 2008

E-Day On The Horizon, Part 3


JB Williams (whom I used to post to before he vanished) has a great article up at Canada Free Press entitled, "Campaign (or) Coup d’état The Obamessiah Movement". It is a must read for everything you need to know about the attempted Marxist take-over from withing of our Federal Republic that morons refer to as a Democracy.
[...] A sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resulting in a drastic change of government illegally, or by force, is a Coup d’Ètat.

It’s important to recognize the difference between a “legal” honest, open Democratic campaign for “change” and a corrupt coup d’Ètat. A campaign offers voters an honest unfettered look at their options and does nothing to trick, con, threaten, intimidate, defraud or force voters into dramatic “change” completely at odds with all conventional precepts.

Obama has not run an open, honest campaign. Far from it! He is running the clock out on his coup d’Ètat. [...] Go read the rest
The racists of the Obama Camp say the White Folk shouldn't be allowed to vote anymore.
Why is it that white people need to be denied the vote? Why, because they're racist, of course! But hey, the idiot pundit calling for this is white, so therefore it's OK. [...]
World Government to Reign in "Fascist" America?
Richard Falk, who justly earned his way into David Horowitz's book The Professors as one of the "101 Most Dangerous Academics in America," now lectures more august audiences at the United Nations. Appointed as the United Nations Human Rights Council to serve as its special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories in March, Falk has in a matter of months lived down to his opponents' worst expectations.

In addition to The Professors, Falk should be added to a list of the most biased anti-Israel UN human rights investigators, not an easy list to make at the UN. He believes Israel, and the United States, are guilty of Nazi-like barbarism, which the United Nations decries even as it dismisses investigations into North Korea and Cuba. Falk would abolish the alleged democratic atrocities by establishing a "world government" in which foreigners could overturn U.S. policies through "binding referenda."

Falk not only hates Israel but his own country. Falk has accused the United States of imperialism, Nazi-like tendencies, and possibly manufacturing the official story-line for what happened on 9/11. He has referred to the nation in recent years as slipping toward "fascism." Falk views the democratically elected governments of the United States as no better than the world's most notorious dictatorships.

He has a plan to make sure Nazism never breaks out again: allowing foreigners to veto the American voter. [...]
No wonder Obama compared the United States to Nazi Germany and his followers have never heard of socialism! We have STUPID people teaching our kids crap!

With Obama more and more frequently adopting the tactics of the Jihadis, I find it interesting that the silly ones that think Obama will be good for the Nation in the long run think folks should take them seriously about anything.
Obama assumes that Islamic terrorism is driven by despair, poverty, inflammatory US policy and the American presence on Muslim soil in the Persian Gulf. Thus he adopts the agenda of the Islamists themselves.
No doubt. But, that's OK. The American People are catching on. I see it every day out on the streets unlike the pollsters that just look at numbers and have no earthly idea what the man on the street is saying and thinking. That is why the Obama Camp is worried and is counting on the Eeyores to bring them to victory. Obama cannot win without them.

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