Saturday, November 1, 2008

FINALLY! Prairie Fire Available in pdf Format!


Little Green Footballs has come through with a very important piece of, er, um, uh, literature(?).

William Ayers and the Weather Underground published Prairie Fire a few years back and Zombietime got a hold of it and published excerpts from it. Now, Prairie Fire is available iin three parts: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Catch the buzzlings at Memeorandum.

Keep in mind folks, Obama has yet to throw William Ayers under his bus because he cannot. He is too closely tied to the domestic terrorist. Please refer to this video of sane people talking about the close-knit ties to the questionable allies of Obama.

Also keep in mind that the would-be First Czar of the USSA says that if you want lower taxes, you are just being a selfish person. I suppose if one whines about others being selfish isn't being selfish but, what do I know?

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