Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Global Warming Myth


Incredible. Global Warming causes suicide bombings in Baghdad. WOW. Remember the theory of cause and affect? Well, the libtards, in their quest to rewrite everything they possibly can get away with have no rewritten the cause and affect thing. It is now the affect causes the cause theory. That is about par with the liberal pathology. But, we shouldn't be too surprised actually seeing that liberalism is a confirmed mental disorder. Even the Chief Pathological Fraud admits that GW is a "natural event". Go figure. Those poor Mayans and all that don't ya know? Even Hollyweird is rethinking the whole scam.

Yet the true fear mongers are out in full swing because the other frauds Obama and Pelosi are still trying to peddle their lies to the stupid and easily led. Let's face the Truth shall we? Global Warming is a fraud. It's a Global Freeze that's coming.


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