Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Illegal Alien Barack Is Being Brought To Task, Hopefully


I suppose that Ace should know better but evidently not. He has been hoodwinked into believing that a COLB is a Vault Birth Certificate which it is not. A COLB is a Certificate of Live Birth which is utilized to show that some one was born alive as opposed to being born dead. He says the COLB was not shown to be a forgery and he obviously and apparently not been paying too much attention. The documented evidence is located right here and among the plethora of blog posts and articles therein, the KOSmonoff that did the photo shopping admitted that the document was a forgery. That is why it is no longer posted on Czarbie's web site or the Daily KOSmonoff web site. He also says that if Obama doesn't show his Birth Certificate he might get a little suspicious. Nothing like being behind the curve there, Ace. Wake up.

There is a growing number of the "a little suspicious" types cropping up all over the place. Czarbie Spokespukes have been saying that this is all garbage - just like Ace said - and that the suits have all been dismissed. That is a bald-faced lie - go figure. An Obama Spokespuke lying. WOW. It must run in the family.

My first post on this blog can be found here with the remaining found here. Including this post, there are 20 posts on this subject of the illegal alien Barack trying to take the White House by force. Everyone that tries to force or pressure the fraud Obama to prove his presidential eligibility has the Obama Goon Squads dispatched. Phillip Berg may be a nut and a Troofer but his questions are legitimate. He just may be going about it the wrong way...he tried to have the National Elections stopped which is a clear fruit loop tactic.

All of the other suits since the Berg deal the day before the elections are much better and they do exist and they have not been dismissed. To the contrary, they have good standing with the Hawaii case the best one in my judgment. The Hawaii case is to be heard on the 18th of November. There is a theoretical and mysterious typewriter written birth certificate on the books out there and this may just put an end to this whole deal.

All Barack needs to do is present the Real Deal and this issue is done with. Why he hasn't done this to this date is the question. What in the world is he hiding?

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