Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Jihadi Thug Has A Big Mouth: Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Chief Idiot


WOW! Talk about eating their own, we have a terrorist that was once on the same page as the Democrats is now attacking the Democrats. I guess they see what we have been seeing and warning about for the entire time that BDS was on an epidemic scale. I have been wondering out loud and quite often that it has been difficult to ascertain who was talking to who and who was leading who by the short hairs and now we know. You can read the unfolding conundrum here and here under the heading of Democrats and Terrorists.

Yesterday, the Chief Jihadi Haji Scum Bastard Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri showed his ass and hurled racial slurs toward the non-black guy, the half-breed Barack. I guess it shouldn't bother him seeing that he isn't black. He is more than likely laughing it off as I am.

The idiot doctor said to the idiot democrats that all of their efforts were for naught because he is going to continue the Jihad. And what have we been saying for almost forever? That EXACT same thing. And the fools thought that if anyone but a Republican was in office things would be different. Simply amazing. Vindication tastes so sweet but the cost is unacceptable. Thanks RINOs and the Fair Weather and Fraud Conservatives. Ya done screwed up and are too cowardly to admit it.

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