Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mombasa Imam who confirmed Obama’s birth place arrives in the UK


Let's see the Marxist spin this...HT to Lew via email...
The Imam who came forward to assist in the search of Barack Obama’s identity left Kenya secretly last night, and will arrive in the UK this morning. He will meet with a US contact person who will assist him in recording an asylum statement in the UK after handing over the documents that caused the blessing of Obama when he was born and to confirm the origin of the name Hussein.

The man will join relatives in the UK because his life will be in danger if he were to return to Kenya after removing the documents from the Mosque’s archives and taking them out of the country. The man has been informed about the on-going case filed in the US Supreme Court by attorney Philip Berg challenging Barack Obama’s citizenship.

When the man heard that Jerome Corsi was in Kenya a few months ago, he took a decision to try and meet him, but had to travel back to Mombasa from Nairobi on hearing that Corsi had been bundled and taken to the airport on deportation orders.

The Imam is the grandson of the late Imam who blessed Barack Obama when he was born in Mombasa on the 4th of august 1961. [...] read the rest
I am eagerly awaiting the American response and the reactions from the American Marxists and the IDIOTS that voted for the Marxist because they believe his crap or because they were punishing the GOP/RNC.

See these posts here and these posts here.

Sic vis pacem para bellum

Fight Accordingly

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