Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama: The Morphing Chameleon


Chameleon. Obama. Same-same. As Obama is telling the people that put him where he is at the moment to bugger off, the "media" is giving the fraud a free pass...again. Well, except for one guy but that is an exception to the general rule of the Obama Media.

The fellow that dared to ask Obama a hard question stumped him pretty good. I then noticed that Obama is a real good tap dancer and Fred Astaire would be truly jealous. From that hard question, the author of the post cited above has concluded the following:
[...] So, to summarize, Obama's plans for change are:

1. Create new federal bureaucracies.
2. Hire Washington insiders to fill those positions.
3. From now on, only field questions from predetermined questioners. [...]
And there you have it. So much for that "open and transparent" administration. No wonder his nuts are bailing on the fool. They are just now detecting what we were telling them all for almost two years now. When will they ever learn? Oh. Wait. Disregard last transmission. The one posing the obviously very hard question will more than likely be placed on the black pun intended. Oh. Wait. Barack isn't black. My bad.

Obama. Chameleon. The Great Pretender. The Obama Bubble may be in peril. However, Bawbwa says that the Obama couple is cute so that's good enough I suppose even though he bought the victory.

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