Friday, November 7, 2008

Philadelphia Man Arrested for Wearing McCain-Palin T-shirt


In Philadelphia on election night and soon after the victory speeches and concession speeches were made, the Obama Goon Yoots took to the streets and understandably so...their Fuhrer prevailed. They just don't know what the Fraud and Illegal Alien has in store for them.

Also on the streets was a young man wearing a McCain-Palin t-shirt. He was arrested. Why? Inciting to riot. For wearing a t-shirt with HIS choice of candidates on display. Interesting. There was a camera crew in the area that caught the whole thing on video. The video is uncensored and unspliced or doctored...unlike the moonbat videos we have seen for the last 8 years.

This is what we have in store for this Nation. View the video at my new video blog here at Take Our Country Back from the United Socialist States of KKK America. This is just the beginning of the First Czar's Civilian National Security Forces put into play, folks.

It starts about 4 minutes into the video. More here at CFP.

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