Monday, November 17, 2008

They Tell Us It Isn't Socialism, But...


We have the Party controlled press. We have the "why believe in God" campaign. We have Obama taking tips from Vladimir Lenin. We have Obama and his followers accepting Che Guacamole as a hero to "the people". We have the CPUSA and DSA political parties in the USA supporting Barack for years. We have Obama demanding of his potential employees information that would disqualify himself for any job requiring a security clearance. We have government owned banks now. We have the news media distorting the constitution in order to secularize society and Obama declaring that the NY Slimes should be bailed out because they sway public opinion and are too valuable to let go under. We have liberal republicans saying to the RNC to dump the social conservatives. We have the not so creeping anymore liberal fascism which is an enemy to Freedom. We have Zell Miller warning of the "far left" glut. We have the ACLU demanding to know why a Stalin banner was removed as well as declaring that they alone will determine if immigration laws are legal. We have Obama tenets and principles about to be set into motion that will plunge us into the Great Depression Part II and food lines much like socialist and communist nations experience. We have an unknown candidate with unknown origins refusing to prove his constitutional eligibility to ascend to the American Presidency and he was a constitution professor(?). We have a KNOWN One World Socialist Advocate (George Soros) backing Obama financially.

But none of that is evidence whatsoever as to the socialistic-Marxist nature of The One Czarbie. Nope. Just more ODS.

Sarcasm duly noted.

UPDATE: Socialism is already here.

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