Sunday, November 2, 2008

Video: ACORN & Ayers’ Weathermen Are The Same Group: A Look At How Voter Fraud Is Meant To Establish A Dictatorship


In a previous post here, I made mention of the post by JB Williams located here. This is the start of that post.
The 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama is a case of truth being stranger than fiction and conspiracy being more than just theory. Hollywood couldn’t write a more intriguing script of crime, corruption, deceit, cover-ups and international intrigue. Obama’s cultish grip on his young ill-educated minions makes Jim Jones and David Koresh look like beginners. [...]
Now, go read this post at PD by Pat Dollard and vote accordingly.
Awhile ago, the socialist power structure in America quietly decided that revolution was out, and that taking over and establishing a socialist dictatorship from within, was in. Bill Ayers was not really talking about the past when he said about his days as a Leftist terrorist, an IED bomber of Americans, that he wished he’d “done more”. He was really signaling that he wasn’t finished since his work thus far had failed. He was going to do more, much more. He was putting his energy into setting up a socialist dictatorship ala Fidel Castro in America, and Barack Obama was both his stalking horse and his candidate. The first proponent of the “working from within” strategy was none other than William Ayers himself. [...]
Now, go read the List of 45 and see if you cannot connect the dots and get over your idiocy about McCain. I did because there is a huge threat before us.

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