Thursday, November 27, 2008

War News Update: Iraqi Parliament Approves U.S. Security Pact


Before we get to the recent development in Iraq thanks to our Troops and no thanks to the defeatocrats that tried 45 times in 2007 to lose the war and disgrace our Troops - including Obama - go here to read the collection of posts and articles in regards to the latest terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. Westerners were targeted and some were taken hostage. It ain't over yet. More at Memeorandum...

The Hill:
[...] Iraq’s parliament had approved the deals earlier in the day. The so-called security pact is an agreement that sets a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. forces. It allows the troops to stay in the country for three more years though they will have to leave Iraqi cities sooner than that. The other deal defines the bilateral relationship between the U.S. and Iraq.

“Two years ago, this day seemed unlikely – but the success of the surge and the courage of the Iraqi people set the conditions for these two agreements to be negotiated and approved by the Iraqi parliament,” Bush stated. “The improved conditions on the ground and the parliamentary approval of these two agreements serve as a testament to the Iraqi, Coalition, and American men and women, both military and civilian, who paved the way for this day.” [...]
So much for the failure of the Troops to make it possible for the FINAL political reconciliation to take place. Looks to me that the Iraqi political machine does a hell of a lot better than the American one. Ours is pathetic. What have they done in the last two years besides nothing at all?

Fox News, Gateway Pundit,

More chatter about the security agreement is here at Memeorandum...and here...and here

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