Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Chicago Thug Politics At Work...Business As Usual [UPDATED]


Illinois. BAH! Humbug! The last three Illinois Governors have served time so this last one ain't no real surprise...unless your name is Obama. One can surmise that they aren't the Governors he once knew. Naturally, the LMS "forgets" to mention Party affiliation.

There are several reports located at Memeorandum: NYSlimes; MSLSD; Asinine & Depressed; Bankrupt and awaiting a bail out Tribune; Chicago Abnormal News; the Washington Compost; Balled Street Rag; The Mound; Dark Days Ahead; OTB;

It seems as though another Chicago Thug socialist had his hand in the Capitalist Till while working against it. Capitalism has a way of screwing with its enemies. Naturally, the "replacement" for the illegal alien Czarbie will be delayed because his pal got himself shackled. Didn't someone say recently that Czarbie had to be replaced by another "black man"? No "black woman"? Strange that. Obama isn't "black". Amazing.

Yep. SOP for the Party of Death and Corruption.

Spree says:
The details show Blagojevich was involved in Pay to Play schemes, accused of trying to sell Barack Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder as well as being accused of misuse of state funding to induce the firing of Chicago Tribune editorial writers. [...]

lawhawk; BCB; AAB; The Don; Gateway Pundit; MM; PV; RV; RWN; Amy; CS; Caucus; HBWT; PG; PoliPundit (who was he talking to?); PJM; NQ; PL (hot rod); SOS; ST; SC; RWV; TD; VP; Texas Fred; Ace and Ace; CS and CS and CS; ARRA; the Lovely Jenn; Maggie; McN; Van Helsing; PW; WS; Jawa; drillanwr;

Newsbusters: IL Gov. Blagojevich Arrested: Name That Party Roundup; Blago Should Have Put It on Ebay; Ill. Gov. Taken Into Custody by Feds, Media Never Did Connect Him to Obama

Chicago Ray sums it all up:
Lying Cheating Sack Of Shit this man is and I've been saying it for years!! Now he's going down for trying to sell Obama's senate seat and this is just the tip of the iceberg, jut the tip of the spear you can bet. And I'll bet this bum will never resign like a true Democrat and will drag the state through the mud just like he was dragged out of his house 10 minutes ago for his own benefit and then plead guilty on the last possible day. Typical Democrat. This is the first news posted on the internet about this right on this blog. [...]
Give 'em HELL Ray!!

DAMN! From Gateway Pundit: Blagovich Calls His Buddy Obama a Motherf***er (via ABC). I guess the "friendship" only goes so far? But, these are just words, don't ya know?
"I've got this thing and it's f***ing golden, and, uh, uh, I'm just not giving it up for f***in' nothing. I'm not gonna do it. And I can always use it. I can parachute me there," Blagojevich said in a phone call secretly recorded by the FBI on November 5, the day after the election, according to the affidavit.

The FBI affidavit said Blagojevich had been told by an adviser "the President-elect can get ROD BLAGOJEVICH's wife on paid corporate boards in exchange for naming the President-elect's pick to the Senate."

Told by two other advisers he has to "suck it up" for two years, the FBI says it heard Blagojevich complain he has to give this "motherf***er [the President-elect] his Senator. F*** him. For nothing? F*** him."
Alex Andrianson writes in the Foudry: Two Stories about the Same Thing. This Gov is just plain corrupt! Capone would be PROUD I tell yas!! Director Blue posts "the history".

I wonder if Rezko had anything to do with this...Wonkette goes mental (blames the bank for the arrest)...

From Newsbusters again: Label Bias: Previous Corrupt Illinois Governor Was a “Republican”. Imagine that. The deflection technique of the libtards is in full damage control mode. And, just who in the hell was candidate #5? And, libtards wail and gnash teeth because now the appointment process for the illegal alien's replacement is on hold.

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