Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Code Skank Marxist Pink Dweeb Morons...Brain Dead Anti-Americanists


If these idiots of Code Skank think that this Nation is so bad, why then do they stay here and smell up the environment? With a HT to Gateway Pundit, I will add a video at the bottom of the post. It is about time that SOMEONE from Iraq repeated what many of us have been saying for a very, very long time. In regards to the idiot shoe tosser that the retarded libtards and anti-Americanists are lauding because he acted the ass, had he even thought about doing something like that to either Saddam Insane Hussein or one of his trouser worshipers, the shoe boy, his family, his friends and any or all of his associates would have wound up in one of several places and ultimately would have lost their lives.

The fools should be thanking God for having the Freedom to actually toss a shoe or two without fear of rape rooms or wood chippers. So, when Code Skank and their following of intellectually void idiots praise such a fool, they should also thank God that men in uniform have made it possible that they tool are free to act the ass without fear of a "Hitler Bushite" shredding their worthless selves in the wood chippers that Saddam was so accustomed to using.

So, as a side bar, if Bush was Hitler, Code Pink members would have vanished long ago. Think about it. So, without further ado, enjoy the Iraqi Ambassador shredding the libtard anti-Americanist Code Skank whores attention to the body language. More at Memeorandum...

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