Monday, December 8, 2008

Texas Needs to Divorce the Other 49...Or Is That 57?


If the Justices on SCOTUS fail to uphold the United States Constitution in the POTUS eligibility and the Hillary as Sec State eligibility, Texas should immediately sever all political and nationalist ties with the crooks and liars of DC.

SIDEBAR: If ANY foolish imp is siding with the libtards on the POTUS eligibility due to their SSS, Sudden Snopes Syndrome for whatever reason, please make an appointment with your psychiatrist immediately. I find it curious that the "big" conservative bloggers - once respected - are drooling all over the Snopes report when in times past, those very same "big" Conservative bloggers reviled Snopes as they should have. Check who owns Snopes people. I am tired of doing your homework for you.

I find it equally disturbing that the smaller Conservative bloggers are lapping at the various trouser openings of the "big" Conservative bloggers. They deserve each other.

Anyway, back to the post: Texas! Secede NOW NOW NOW!! It's legal and the Fed can do nothing about it except to "invade". BRING IT!

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