Saturday, January 3, 2009

itbach al yahood

I generally do not post videos, due to bandwidth limitations, I neither view nor post them. This is one of the rare exceptions. I want you to view this video and share it with others. I want you to see and hear a Sheikh exhorting the rabble to kill Jews. I want you to see and hear the audience reaction. I want you to recognize the quotations from the Qur'an. Please watch and share this video from MEMRI.

The raving maniac you are about to observe in action is Muhammad Abd Al-Qader, Member, Jordanian Parliament. He was raising Hell December 28, 2008, broadcast by Al-Jazerra.

MEMRI has added sub-titles in English so that you can comprehend the exhortation. I recognized Jihad & itbach al yahood in the Arabic sound track. These demon spawn have brethren in our on nation, ranting and raving in languages we do not understand. What are they
saying? What are they exhorting their audiences to do? Why do we continue to tolerate it? Terminal insanity is the only answer.

"The Koran says: 'Fight them, Allah will torment them by your hands. He will bring them to disgrace, and grant you victory over them. He will heal the hearts of the believers.' 9:14
"Yes, [jihad] is a personal duty, not a collective one. A wife should set out on jihad even without her husband's permission, a child should set out even without his father's permission, and a slave should set out even without his master's permission.
The second quote is only legal under Shari'ah when Dar ul-Islam is invaded by Kuffar. Women, juveniles & slaves are not permitted to join Jihad unless the Muslims are invaded or being overrun by a superior force.

I received notification of this video's existence from CVF. If you are a freedom lover, you should join that organization.

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