Saturday, January 31, 2009


Now comes another symposium at Front Page Magazine wherein Brigitte Gabriel and several shrinks debate the roots of 'radicalization'. After presenting several critical ayat which form the foundation of Jihad, Brigitte Gabriel gives us this neat summary.
Going forward we must realize that the portent behind the terrorist attacks is the purest form of what the Prophet Mohammed created. It not radical Islam. It’s what Islam is at its basic core. A core that has been “peacefulized” over the past century as it became infused and diluted by the civilized and moderate norms of new adherents, by the strength of Western civilization, by the historic weakness of the Muslim world. But Muslims are no longer weak and no longer poor. They have traded their swords for AK47’s, RPG’s, TNT and missiles. They are spreading their oil wealth around the world to bring Islam back. The time of moderation and watered down religion is over, and the Islam of Mohammed is back. It’s not radical Islam. It is not Wahabbi Islam, it’s Mohammed’s original Islam.
I hope that this small sample will entice you to click the link and read the entire article!

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